April 2018

5 Original Experiences Only In Krusevo

Shoe Maker

Krushevo is perhaps one of the most unique cities in Macedonia and is also a perfect place for a unique experience. The city looks like a postcard filled with small and large homes, surrounded by mountains and untouched nature. It’s a very small town where everyone lives together as one big family, and that is exactly what will allow you to have such a unique experience, because here you can talk with the locals and they can share part of their life with you.

Welcome to Krusevo


Welcome to Krushevo.com. The source of everything you need to know about Krushevo. How to get here, where to stay, what to eat, which area to visit, and what to do all in one site.

Through this platform, you are going to be able to easily plan your trip to Krusevo and leave with a  lasting impression.

Summer 2018

Krusevo center

The summer of 2018 in Krusevo will probably be one of the best in recent years as many activities and events help showcase the potential that this town offers.

The first thing to be pointed out is the paragliding season that officially begins in the middle of June with the first international gliding competition. It will be followed by at least 7 more gliding and paragliding competitions this summer on Meckin Kamen..